You asked me to tell about my native land,
And you made as if you did all understand;
But, I was aware you gave to it no priority,
Except to amuse yourself with your curiosity.


Would it be too demanding if I asked back
Your opinion on the war that became a crack
As the longest and most controversial conflict
To bedevil and cause people to contradict?


Do not mention the fifty-eight-thousand lost,
One-hundred-and-eighty-billion dollars cost,
And the way it happened in that painful past,
Its social and mental syndrome thence to last.


Just tell me what you feel, think, and react
When they claimed lack of Just Cause a fact
While National Security and Interests' scope
Is asserted to include anywhere on the globe!


Why not to let Europe for the Nazis to take,
And Asia for the Mikado militarists to invade,
And West Germany for the Soviets to fool,
And South Korea for the Red Chinese to rule?


Of course, the States had to pay some prices
To win and gain the biggest and best slices!
Thus, they had recourse to "No Just Cause!"
Only because they came to a defamed pause!


Wait and see!  I bet, it will be taking actions
To intervene for and against certain factions.
The Middle East, Africa... the cons and pros:
No more "Far! Strange! Misjudging the foes!"


Now, you have got it: It is remedying things!
Iron fists? velvet gloves? just tactical swings!
The Free World must win to redeem its pride
And justify that the Just Cause is on our side!


